The Great Crusade Begins

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Great Crusade begins January 1st. This will be D-Day.

The Crusade is for knowledge, for insight, for a solid unbreakable personal connection with the continuity of history and the development of media, cinema in particular, and television secondarily.

Get to the point Madden, you’re talking in riddles! Enough with the dramatic metaphor bullshit!

For the past 7 years I have been steadily, carefully, and methodically accumulating a library of media, a corpus for study. Those who have been in the apartment know of what I speak, the “arsenal”, it commands the room. I have always said that I was going to eventually turn this into Masters or Doctorate, and the time to start that is now, rather, Januray 1st.

This is serious, we are talking about approx 1700 movies, and several thousand hours of TV, plus bonus medias (radio, print, periodical,music) for accent and blessed variety!

The idea is simple: To methodically and chronologically “read” this vast corpus of texts as fast as possible, this will probably take 2 years, maybe more. Using this combination of “Immersion theory” and multiple angle analysis, I hope to find out some shit about some shit, to put it simply and bluntly.

The bi-product of this, will be, from January 1st, a blog issued every so often but complete in it’s reportage and commentary, of the entire endeavor. I invite you all to subscribe to this blog and take this journey with me, I assure you, as long as some of my posts are, they are shorter than the whole media I will be watching! I regard this as the final piece of my formal education as a Director of Media, as it will coincide with my further studies at SF State, in production and business aspects of media at the school of Broadcasting. If I have the time and money, I also will be pursuing a Bachelor of Cinema, and possibly a Master’s in this as well. Why not be a professional academic to keep a roof over my head? But I’d rather be a writer freelance to keep starvation at bay, and maybe this blog aspect of this crusade is my first attempt in that direction.

If nothing else, it will be interesting.

So, tell your friends and colleagues, wake the kids and call the neighbors, Madden is going EPIC on the media study and film study! Again.

I also hope to expand this out to the commercial blog world, ie, blogspot or whatever……

I thank you all in advance for reading! I love you!

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