The Great Crusade – Preface
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Well, today I finally begin the journey that I have stockpiled, studied, analyzed, anticipated, plotted and schemed for the last 8 years. A walk through time and space itself as reflected in the media of the 20th and 21st centuries (AD). This should be a gas, but it well be mighty challenging, and a perhaps supreme test of self-discipline and academic rigor. But it has to start sometime, so let it begin now. Nothing will ever be perfect (except Maya according to Andrew!), so there will always be gaps in the stream of information, there will always be absences, there can be no totality outside of God, anyway so to try may as well just be hubris. On this note, an added emphasis.
Should there be, in the future, any criticisms about under/over representation: Go to hell. Should there be, in future, any criticism about exclusion/inclusion/exclusiveness: Go to Hell. Should there be, in future, any criticism about what is absent/present: Go to Hell. This stockpile is what it is. I invite and encourage dialogue and constructive criticisms, hell, I LOVE to argue, but let’s set the boundaries of the playing field right now. This whole journey is about what IS there, not what is NOT THERE. I have no intention of pandering or allowing that kind of Marxist bullshit, ie: “well the [text] doesn’t have [ME] in it enough, or how I like it, so it is invalid and a whole lot of other hysterics, blah blah blah.” If you don’t see what you want to see where you want to see it, go out and create it, that’s a “your problem” not a “my problem”. I am an American Artist, and a Writer/Producer/Director, not a European or anything else, or merely a scholar who doesn’t/can’t/won’t/never-has, and it is from this self-defined perspective that I will approach the corpus.
This is not all academic, political, or evaluative. This is about a deep, abiding, and profound love in my soul for human expression, especially in the forms of Cinema, Broadcasting, and Theatre (in the grandest sense). It will not always be sanitized, homogenized, or politically vetted. This journal will probably take years. This research, analysis, and writing, will be the base of research for my post-graduate degrees, so it will have to be somewhat brainy, but I will try always to make it interesting and readable, and probably even controversial since I am a contentious rebel. It is the Irish and the Scottish in me, I think, if history means anything (and I mean FAMILY history).
Anyways, I hope that somebody out there enjoys this labor of love as much as I intend to, if not, don’t read, I will put a preface on all blogs regarding this crusade to distinguish these entries from other entries. For those that choose to take the walk with me, Thank You. If grounding in a form makes an artist better, then by the end of this I will be the GREATEST ARTIST OF ALL TIME!! MUAHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!